Rahmat Sunjani


Rahmat Sunjani ( FSDIO ) is the creator of all the templates helping marketing professionals and Fin-tech startups build an audience and get more clients. When he started as a template maker, Rahmat was still studying at Nurtanio University. I entered the Faculty of Informatics Engineering. Until now, I was thinking of looking for additional tuition fees so that my college could run smoothly, by becoming a template maker. Rahmat likes to try new things (freelance)?. After I tried it, it turned out to be difficult to manage the time so I decided to make a template that can be used by many people. Rahmat can create templates such as Instagram Feeds, Certificates, Business Cards, and so on. You can contact Rahmat at klikrahmatsunjani@gmail.com. Or to see all products, visit https://linktr.ee/fsdio

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