Raph Lanok is free for Personal use. but any donation are very appreciated to my paypal alit@crazyslug.net
Visit my website : http://alitdesign.net/
Visit my store for more great fonts and freebies. https://creativemarket.com/alitdesign
Link to download full version : https://creativemarket.com/alitdesign/1643862-Raph-Lanok-Typeface
on myfonts : https://www.myfonts.com/foundry/Alit_Design/
on graphicriver : https://graphicriver.net/item/raph-lanok-typeface/20261836?s_rank=1
or in my website : http://alitdesign.net/product/raph-lanok-typeface/
Follow my instagram for updates: https://www.instagram.com/alitsuarnegara/
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